I know its only been two weeks since I posted last...but I seriously feel like its been MONTHS. All the moms out there know what I'm talking about: when your kid manages to pick up two consecutive illnesses that both require medical attention, and one of those times you're on vacation. You have to love a child's ability to know when NOT do do something, and do it anyway. :-/
In any case, I'm glad we're finally on the mend. We spent 8 days visiting family in Ohio, and Cameron was sick almost the entire time. At one point he wouldn't stop crying, which totally freaked me out. Typically I can soothe him and calm him down to just a whimper, but he was screaming, arching his back and tightening all his muscles like he was in a lot of pain! After a trip to urgent care (God bless Children's Hospital in Cincinnati, which is well known nationally, because they have created a group of Children's Urgent Cares around the Cincinnati area, so I knew we were getting really good care from doctors who specialize on kids!) and a couple of tests, it was determined Cameron had a virus. Way to narrow it down for us! Sheesh. Lots of motrin and cuddles, and he was finally better the day before we left to come home.
So I have had no time to do any crafting. I have a thousand craft-related things on my plate right now, so I better get crackin'. :) I'm the Creative Activities Director (maybe "director" isn't the correct word, but whatever...I like thinking I'm the Director...hee hee!!) for my local MOPS group, and our first meeting is coming up the first week of September. We're going to be making "No Sew Memo Boards", which just means you use a lot of hot glue. :) Actually we will be sewing briefly, as the original instructions I found involve using staples, but I found they don't hold as well as they should. Plus, goofball me actually managed to staple my own damn finger. Not kidding!!! I stapled almost straight through my pointer finger. Hurt like heck! I couldn't bend my finger for almost two days. Needless to say, I feel a needle and thread is less involved than a stapler. :)
On top of that, I have to create some banners to welcome new moms to our MOPS Kickoff Party, which is next week (eeeek! I'm procrastinating on this!). I also need to create swaps for the Stampin' Up regional coming up in a few weeks. It would also be nice to actually attempt to get some workshops and whatnot on my calendar, as I should attempt to do this in order to make MONEY.
As for my digital scrapbooking life, I've had no time. Seriously no time. Ugh.
The only thing I managed to do this week was join Weight Watchers. I'm seriously sick of being the fat person in the room. And no, I'm not being hard on myself. I'm fat. Seriously fat. I'm in the "obese" category...which is disgusting. 10 years ago I was the skinniest I've ever been, a size 8. I have only kept a few items that I had back then...and I think I could get one thigh in and that's about it. Its pitiful. I've also noticed health problems that are related to obesity. Acid reflux, sleep apnea, joint problems, exhaustion...And I know that these problems could only get worse with age. Did you know there is a direct correlation between waist size and a bunch of types of cancers? And strokes? And heart disease? Its appalling. Its even more appalling that I let myself get to this size. In any case, after my first week of WW, I lost 4.8 pounds! I'm stoked. I can't wait until I've lost enough to actually see and feel a difference. And the wonderful clothes that will be available to me in my closet....woohoo!!!!!!
In my "spare" time, I thought I'd be reading these last few weeks. I've now accrued a few more books that I want to read...my nightstand is looking like the local library. I must have 10-15 books scattered around the bedroom, study, and living room that I'm either hoping to read or have started and never finished. I loooove reading, and hopefully will get Cameron more into reading. Frankly, I think I might throw up if I have to read "That's not my bear! His nose is too squishy. That's not my bear, his paws are too soft. THAT'S my bear! His ears are so fluffy!" one more freakin' time. Cameron loves the "That's not my..." series. But he's loved them for almost 8 months now...will he ever branch out of that stage?? I'd like him to at least comprehend books come in other shapes and sizes that don't involve touch and feel. :)
I'll hopefully have some crafty stuff to post soon. As long as no illnesses threaten to send me over the edge.
(I apologize for my rambling post. Its 10:30PM, I'm tired, it was something like 108 degrees here today, and the heat is starting to wear on me. So there you go.)