Man alive.
Ever hear the expression "Be careful what you wish for?" Well all of Oklahoma is learning about that right now. When an entire state wishes for precipitation, in comes in the form of 3 inches of sleet, followed immediately by a foot of snow (and winds up to 50mph, meaning we have some wicked snow drifts!). Two days later, get another couple of inches of snow...and now we're getting a not-so-nice forecast of the potential for ANOTHER foot of snow in three days. Umm....yeah. I'm done with winter. D.O.N.E. And I will say that I follow a girl on Twitter who drove through Oklahoma yesterday to attend some sort of Super Bowl thing. Anyway, she posted on Twitter, "No offense, Oklahoma, but you don't know how to plow at ALL." I sent back a snotty tweet to her (umm, hello! I might not be from this state, but I live her! Don't mess with my backyard!!) that basically said, "what southern state is prepared to plow this type of mess? That is like saying Chicago is always 100% prepared for tornadoes." I was irritated. Our state has enough problems that our money goes to: I see no reason to waste tax dollars on millions of dollars of plow equipment, then pay people to man it...when we may or may not get snow that year. Our first year here, it snowed once in January and once at the end of March...neither of which required a lot of plowing (the first one was more ice and sleet than snow). Last year there were two instances, one of which was 14.5 inches of snowfall on Christmas Eve, the record snowfall for the OKC area EVER. A month later we received another hefty snowfall of 5 inches. Woo-freakin'-hoo. In any case, this week was the first time it has snowed all winter. The first week of February. We went through 3 months of snow season with no snow. Yet apparently the entire state is supposed to be plowed all the time? Ummm, no. Needless to say, her snotty tweet (and her lack of response to my tweet) have made me "unfollow" her on twitter. Ahhh. The joys of technology. Kinda like kindergarten friendships: "Meet my best friend Sally!"...two seconds later..."I'm not friends with you anymore. My best friend is Katie."...four seconds later and one crying child..."Come be friends with me again." :) Okay, off my soapbox now. On to the good stuff. :)
In any case, the yucky weather has allowed for me to be super crafty! I can't tell you the last time I've had an opportunity to be in my craft area for this long of a period. I had a hostess stamp club this morning, which required three projects for 9 women. I'm also attending the Stampin' Up regional conference in Branson in a few weeks, so I'm busy getting swaps ready for that. I've already started getting my projects for next month's stamp club organized...and I'm hastily trying to finish the 2010
Project Life book before my new kit arrives next week (I've ordered the
Turquoise edition, which did you get??). Holy busyness. But I {heart} getting this creative. Its been a long time since I've been confident in my abilities as a crafter and Stampin' up demo. Its been awhile since I have had this great mojo going!
So, I'll be slowly posting to show you all of the goodies I've been working on over the past week or so. Here is one of the cards we did at the stamp club this morning. It is a "triangle trifold" card, which you can find a tutorial on Splitcoaststampers
HERE. Its fairly easy to do , it just takes forever to score and cut everything when you're cutting for 9!

I wanted to use the DSP from the Occasions Mini to showcase that cardstock and DSP isn't necessarily holiday-specific. You can find ways to use things outside of their typical way. And I absolutely love how great the Daffodil Delight pops off the Real Red cardstock. But the best part? Was listening to my ladies put this card together and consistently mumble, "Oh I just LOVE this card!" :) Not only does it make me feel great as the demo and person who came up with the card, but it makes me so happy to know I created a card that they really liked and enjoyed putting together. And I think a few of them will definitely be popping the "Just Believe" set to the top of their list now. :)
Stamps: Just Believe, and an older wood set that I seriously cannot remember the name of, eek! But its still current, that much I can tell you. :) I'll add that detail in later.
Ink: Real Red, Daffodil Delight
Paper: Occasions Mini DSP (Lord Almighty, maybe I should write this stuff down...or maybe I shouldn't be doing a blog post from my bed at 2AM. Hmmm.), Real Red, Daffodil Delight, Very Vanilla
Accessories: Scallop Border Punch, Daffodil Delight 3/8" grosgrain ribbon, silver brads
Edited to add: the stamp set listed above as "older wood set" is called Full of Life. Page 152 in the main SU catalog. The paper listed as "Occasions Mini DSP" is called Speciality DSP. Page 7 of the Occasions Mini Catalog. Hey, at least I updated with the correct info...and its only midnight. Woohoo, go me! :)
So check back in a few days for the next new project! Hopefully not at 2AM...I'm the only goofball who needs to be up doing non-mandatory things like blog posts at this godforsaken hour. :)