Cameron is now 28 months, or 2 years, 4 months. His delays have meant that he just started walking at 26 months, he still has difficulty with some gross/fine motor development things (utensils are a big issue right now: apparently they are too much fun showcasing aerodynamics than actually using them for food purposes), but he's catching up.
Unfortunately a sedated ABR test (automated brainstem response) showed that sound going into his ears isn't being transmitted to his brain properly. His official diagnosis as of this week is Auditory Neuropathy Dysynchrophy, part of the Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum (like the autisum spectrum: many different types of AN fall on the spectrum). Because of this we will be doing a trial run with hearing aides for 3 months, during which time he'll be observed and monitored. After that, if there isn't any change, we'll most likely have to get Cochlear Implants, which is a very invasive and intense procedure. I did research over the past few days that has literally made me sick. So I'm hoping that the hearing aides will work and that will just be the path we have to take. His audiologist and both of his speech therapists do not think that he will need the cochlear I'm hoping they are correct.
Now, to show a card! I created these mini-cards for valentines that Cameron gave to his buddies in my MOMS Club, as well as a few of the adults he works with (he has a few "teachers" in my MOPS group, as well as all of his therapists...and it just occurred to me that I forgot AGAIN to give them to his speech therapist today. Dangit!).
Sets: Valentine Defined
Ink: Tempting Turquoise, Rose Red
Paper: Tempting Turquoise, Rose Red, Pretty in Pink
Accessories: Smooch, Crystal Effects, Ticket Corner Punch, Tempting Turquoise grosgrain ribbon, silver brads
pretty! love those sweet valentines you made!
I will be praying for your little guy and the challenges you face with this new diagnosis. Our middle child was diagnosed with high-functioning autism this past summer, so we spent a lot of time making Valentines for all his teachers and therapists. :)
As a deaf interpreter, I studied a lot of the deaf world/culture. Not to link deafness with your son, but from a hearing perspective, cochlear implants are thought of much differently than the deaf think of it. Bottom line, if you don't want the cochlear implants, then don't get them. Take your son to sign language classes. Babies pick up on it so fast, and it really helps with their development. Having one foot in the "deaf world" isn't always a bad thing.
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